"Spinola Palace built in 1688; Fishing boats at St. Julian's Bay; Balluta Church at night; Dining out at St. Julian's Bay."
A RAS card sent by Esther "maddeleine5". "Take a walk into the past at This is The Place Heritage Park. old Deseret is a living historic village that recreates a pioneer community living in Utah between 1847-1869. it was erected in 1947 and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley."
This one was sent by Valerie "Octabis" during her vacations in the USA. "Norris Geyser Basin is the oldest of Yellowstone National Park's active geyser basins. Its hot spring water has been flowing for more than 115,00 years and contains the world's tallest active geyser, Steamboat. Measurements from a scientificdrill hole produced a temperature of 459 degrees fahrenheit, only 1.087 feet below the surface, making this the hottest aver changing geyser basin on the continent."
And now the Botafogo Inlet and Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Now a beach, S. Pedro de Moel Beach, also from Portugal - sent by Bruno "Brunotinfo".
Another one from Portugal, a public fountain in Redondo sent by Joana "Joaninha".
São Marcelo Fortress.
"Tarsier, the world's smallest primate * Chocolate Hills * Corella tropical beaches of Panglao Island * Punta Cruz Watch Tower, built by Spaniards to look out for pirates, represents one of many Spanish heritage found in Bohol * Underwater reefs of Balicasag Island are one of the world's best * Mag - Aso Falls set in tropical forest of Bohol."
Joaquina Beach in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina) - Brazil, sent by Nina "Ninakopko".
Billing's Dam in São Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo) - Brazil, sent by Luciana "Lucca".
Fátima - Portugal, sent by "Luso".
Algarve - Portugal sent by Maria José "Zbarroso".
Pedra Furada, Serra da Capivara National Park, Piauí.