Thursday, September 22, 2022

FOTW Gibraltar

I've a few cards from Gibraltar but only two are written and stamped from there, both have been sent by Eric. 
I've lost count of how many FOTW cards he has already sent me :)

© concept by

Gibraltar has an area of 6.7 km², a population of 32.194 and its capital is Gibraltar.
* Barbary Macaques - the only wild monkeys to be found in continental Europe;  
* Gibraltar airport - just like the railway crossing, the boom  gates close when an airplane needs to cross. Once the airplane has passed, the barriers open and traffic can continue as normal;  
* The Strait of Gibraltar - far more famous than the city itself! The body of water carries an immense historical importance in the world, which even holds weight in today's society. If you're approaching Gibraltar by road from Spain on a clear day, you'll get a great view of Pillars of Hercules. According to legend, the Rock of Gibraltar was once one with Jebel Musa 13 miles away;
* British Control - following the ceding of Gibraltar to the English Crown in the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Spain unsuccessfuly attempted to regain control in three separate battles. British control of the region would forever change the culture and course of history in this little corner of the world. The residents rejected proposals of Spanish sovereignty in a 1967 referendum and in a 2002 referendum.

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