Monday, October 28, 2024

Eise Eisinga Planetarium - Netherlands

 In my whole life I've only visited one planetarium and that was long time ago, don't remember much. I must confess that I'm not that interrested in astronomy, space and planets, but after getting this card and reading about this planetarium, I just felt like visiting it. 
Eise Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker was classified as UNESCO WHS list last year and this was the only site I was still missing from the Netherlands. Got it thanks to Jarina, who also used stamps depicting other Dutch UNESCO sites to mail the card.
Built between 1774 and 1781, this property is a moving mechanical scale model of the solar system as it was known at the time. Conceived and built by an ordinary citizen – the wool manufacturer Eise Eisinga – the model is built into the ceiling and south wall of the former living room/bedroom of its creator. Powered by one single pendulum clock, it provides a realistic image of the positions of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and five other planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). The planets revolve around the Sun in real time and the distance between the planets is at scale. The model fills the entire ceiling of the room, making it one of the earliest predecessors of the ceiling and projection planetariums of the 20th and 21st centuries. - in:

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