Thursday, April 9, 2015


This is my 1st card sent from Hawaii.

Photo by Scott Hanft
US-3230296, sent by Tania.
Wai’oli Hui’ia Church is located in the town of Hanalei, which is on the rugged and dramatic north shore of Kauai between Princetown, and the Na Pali Coast State Park.  
The Wai’oli Hui’ia Church was established by American Christian missionaries in 1834. Because they expected the arrival of the missionaries, the Hawaiians themselves built the first structure on the site, a pole and thatched meeting house. A more permanent Hanalei church building was completed in 1837.
A plaster and timber-frame building was completed in 1841, with the lime for the plaster made from coral found on the beaches during low tides. The Mission Bell arrived and was installed in 1843. 
Today, the Hanalei Church Mission Hall is the oldest church building on Kauai. - in:

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