Monday, November 29, 2010
Almeirim - Portugal
Typical Frisian House


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Déa's cards

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Budapest - Hungary
Indonesia's cards

On the afternoon of 25 October 2010 Mount Merapi erupted lava from its southern and southeastern slopes.
After a period of multiple eruptions considered to exceed the intensity and duration of those in 1872 on 10 November 2010 the intensity and frequency of eruptions was noticed to subside. By this time 153 people had been reported to have been killed and 320,000 were displaced. Later the eruptive activities again increased requiring a continuation of the Level 4 alert and continued provision of exclusion zones around the volcano. By 18 November the death toll had increased to 275." - in: wikipedia
After the war, the cathedral remained a burnt out shell and Kneiphof was made into a park with no other buildings.
Friday, November 19, 2010



The card shows the town hall, a neogothic building planned by Karld Friedrich Schinkel as a substitute for the destroyed predecessor. It was built 1829-1832.
Birka - Sweden

Chengde Mountain Resort - China
Built between 1703 and 1792, the Mountain Resort took 89 years to complete. It covers a total area of 5.6 km², almost half of Chengde's urban area. It is a vast complex of palaces and administrative and ceremonial buildings. Temples of various architectural styles and imperial gardens blend harmoniously into a landscape of lakes, pastureland and forests.
The Kangxi, Qianlong and Jiaqing Emperors often spent several months a year here to escape the summer heat in the capital city of Beijing. It consists of two parts: a court in front, where the emperor received high officials, nobles of various minority nationalities, and foreign envoys; and bed chambers in the rear, which were the imperial family's living quarters.
The Mountain Resort is most famous for the 72 scenic spots which were named by the Kangxi and Qianlong Emperors. Many of the scenic spots around the resort's lake area were copied from famous landscaped gardens in Southern China. The resort's plain area also possesses characteristics of the scenery of the Mongolian grasslands. Forested mountains and valleys are dotted with various buildings. This includes a 70 m tall stone Chinese pagoda, one of the tallest in China, built in the year 1751 during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor.
In December 1994 the Mountain Resort was listed by Unesco on its list of World Heritage Sites. On May 8, 2007, the Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde was approved by the China National Tourism Administration as one of the "5A-class tourist attractions" which represents the highest standards for China's tourist attractions." - in: wikipedia
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Padua's Botanical Garden
The Orto Botanico di Padova is the world's oldest academic botanical garden that is still in its original location. It is located in Padua, Italy and was founded in 1545. The garden, affiliated with the University of Padua, currently covers roughly 22,000 square meters, and is known for its special collections and historical design.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Great Barrier Reef

Monday, November 15, 2010
Anne's Unesco cards

"At the beginning of the first century BC, the site of the palace was occupied by a gate in the Roman walls. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the gate was used as a fortified stronghold in the defences of the city. Later the building became a possession of the Savoia-Acaja, a secondary branch of the House of Savoy; in the early fourteenth century, they enlarged it into a castle. After the extinction of the Acajas, the edifice became a residence for guests of the house of Savoy.
In 1637 the regent for Duke Charles II Emmanuel, Christine Marie of France, chose it as her personal residence. She commissioned the covering of the court and a revamping of the inner apartments. Sixty years later another regent, Marie Jeanne of Savoy, lived in the palace, conferring upon it definitively the nickname of Madama (Italian for Madame).
Later the palace had various uses, and housed the headquarters of the provisional French government during the Napoleonic Wars. In the 19th century King Charles Albert selected it as seat of the Pinacoteca Regia, the royal art gallery, and, later, of the Subalpine Senate (the Parliament of the Kingdom of Sardinia) and of the High Court. Since 1934 it has housed to the City Museum of Ancient Art." - in: wikipedia

I wanted this card just because its beautiful. Not so long ago i've received another Edinburgh Castle card. After 2 cards and after hearing 2 friends talking about Edinburgh, i really believe that the city is a place worth to visit.
This view of the castle can be seen from the Princes Street Gardens, a public park in the centre of Edinburgh, in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle. The Gardens were created in the 1820s following the long draining of the Nor Loch and the creation of the New Town. The Nor Loch was a large loch in the centre of the city. It was heavily polluted from centuries of sewage draining downhill from the Old Town.
Unescos from FR & BE

Felix Romuliana - Serbia

Moscow cards
"The Moscow Kremlin is a historic fortified complex at the heart of Moscow, overlooking the Moskva River (to the south), Saint's Basil's Cathedral and Red Square (to the east) and the Alexander Garden (to the west). It is the best known of kremlins (russian citadels) and includes four palaces, four cathedrals and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin Towers. The complex serves as the official residence of the President of Russia.
The existing Kremlin walls and towers were built by Italian masters over the years 1485 to 1495. The irregular triangle of the Kremlin wall encloses an area of 275,000 square meters (68 acres). Its overall length is 2235 meters (2444 yards), but the height ranges from 5 to 19 metres, depending on the terrain. The wall's thickness is between 3.5 and 6.5 meters. Originally there were eighteen Kremlin towers, but their number increased to twenty in the 17th century. All but three of the towers are square in plan. The highest tower is the Spasskaya.The Spasskaya Tower is the main tower with a through-passage on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin, which overlooks the Red Square. It was built in 1491. The Spasskaya Tower was the first one to be crowned with the hipped roof in 1624–1625 by architects Bazhen Ogurtsov and Christopher Galloway. According to a number of historical accounts, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower appeared between 1491 and 1585. It is usually referred to as the Kremlin clock.
In 1935, the Soviets installed a red star instead of a two-headed eagle on top of the Spasskaya Tower. The height of the tower with the star is 71 m. In August 2010 above the gate the icon of Savior Smolensky was restored.

Friday, November 12, 2010
Anchorage - Alaska
Poznan's Cathedral

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Terracotta Army - China
"The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China.
The figures, dating from 210 BC, were discovered in 1974 by some local farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.
The figures vary in height 1.83–1.95 metres (6.0–6.4 ft), according to their roles, with the tallest being the generals. The figures include warriors, chariots, horses, officials, acrobats, strongmen, and musicians. Current estimates are that in the three pits containing the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which are still buried in the pits." - in: wikipedia
Unesco cards from Morocco

The workers stand in the stone vessels arranged like honeycombs, filled with different dyes, dying the arms and legs of the men. The hides are first soaked in diluted acidic pigeon excrement and then transferred to other vessels containing vegetable dyes such as henna, saffron and mint. When the dying process has been completed the hides are dried on the roofs of the Medina." - in: