Monday, March 29, 2010
Villa Foscari - Italy

150 m above the town the Sacro Monte di Varallo is one of the most famous Piedmontese pilgrimage sites, and the oldest of the Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy which were inscribed by Unesco in the World Heritage List in 2003." - in: wikipedia
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Unescos from Indonesia

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
»NEW« TRAVELLING RR - GRoup 66 surprise

The 1st card is from Rock of Gibraltar, a Crown property of the UK.

From Spain, a card from the autonomous community of Asturias.
The Porto-Pim Bay on the Faial island, in the portuguese archipelago of Azores.
Also from Portugal, a card from Viseu.
5 buildings
in São Paulo,
Banespa Tower,
Terraço Italia Building,
Copam Building,
Martinelli Building
and Anhangabaú Palace.
Another building in São Paulo, Alexandre Mackenzie Building, better known as Shopping Light Mall.
And now from Finland, a card from Oulu, the largest city in Northern Finland and the sixth largest city in the country.

Harmaja is an island and a lighthouse outside Helsinki, south of the Suomenlinna sea forteress. The island has been functioning as a landmark since the 16th century. A landmark structure was built on the island in the 18th century and a light house in 1883.
US-636422 & LT-67423

Friday, March 19, 2010
Osorno Volcano - Chile

Standing almost 60 kilometers to the Northwest of Puerto Varas, it reaches a height of 2,661 meters above sea level. Its great height makes it visible from every point in the district of Osorno, even in some places on Chiloé Island. Therefore, it represents an impressive and typical postcard of the region. With its classical blackish dark green color and ornamented with arms of eternal snow, its presence attracts the thousands of tourists who visit it every year.
The forest that protects its slopes lodges a wide range of remarkable species and it benefits from the plentiful rainfalls recorded all through the year. The first stretch of the circuit (located between two hundred and one thousand meters above sea level) is dwelled by coihues and lengas. Above the eight hundred meters, the most ancient species in the forest can be found: the Andean birch. It is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old and today is protected by regulations on endangered species, though sometimes they are not fully respected.
As for the fauna, the pudú, the chingue (Patagonian skunk), the culpeo (Patagonian fox), the quique (a kind of ferret) and the puma may be observed. The long-muzzled weasel, the huet-huet, the hummingbird, the kestrel, the tit-tyrant and woodpeckers of all sizes and multiple varieties take shelter in the humid forests." - in: http://www.interpatagonia.com/paseos/volcanosorno/index_i.html
»NEW« TRAVELLING RR - Group 23 Unesco
Kinabalu National Park - Malaysia
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates

Arras - France
The belfry is topped with the imperial crown of Charles Quint, king of the Netherlands, inspired by that of Audenarde belfry in Belgium, recalling the fact that the county of Artois used to belong to the Germanic Holy Roman Empire.
In 1914, everything collapsed under the bombing raids. Rebuilt “exactly as before”, the belfry has a cement framework onto which the stone dressing is attached. And in 1932, a set of 37 bells restored the soul to this splendid example of human genius." - in: http://www.northernfrance-tourism.com/beffrois/the-belfry-of-arras.html
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Blue Mountains - Australia
The waterfalls on the card are:
1. Katoomba Cascades.
2. Victoria Cascades.
3. Wentworth Falls.
4. Govett's Leap Falls.
6. Kattomba Falls.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Unesco whs from Egypt
All three pyramids were built during the Third and Fourth Dynasty; these structures resulted from a monumental effort by the king (and his sons). The Pyramid of Khufu has a base which covers roughly a nine acre area (approximately 392,040 square feet). The Pyramid of Menkaura, unlike the other pyramids, has granite covering one tier of its base. The Pyramid of Khafre had a two-tiered base encased in granite.
Unfortunately, like many of the great kings of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Pyramids of Menkaura, Khufu, and Kafhre were not finished by the end of each respective king's reign. As an example: in the case of Menkaura, the king died before its construction was completed. The monuments of Giza and the entire Giza Valley stand as a marvelous reminder of the skill executed in the creation of the pyramids, and are truly fabulous to see." - in: http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/egypt/architecture/gizapyramids.html
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Unesco whs from Asia

Surprise Unesco cards

"The ir. D.F. Woudagemaal (ir. Wouda pumping station) in the Netherlands, is the biggest currently running steam-powered pumping station in the world. On October 7, 1920 Queen Wilhelmina opened the pumping station that is used to pump out redundant water from Friesland.
In 1967, after 47 years running on coal, the boilers were rebuilt to run on oil. Since 1998 the ir. D.F. Woudagemaal has been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list." - in: wikipedia
Official cards of the week
Petrovaradin Fortress is a fortress located in the province of Vojvodina, on the right bank of the Danube river. The cornerstone of the present-day southern part of the fortress was laid on October 18, 1692, by Prince Croy. Petrovaradin Fortress has many underground tunnels as well (16 km of underground countermine system)." - in: wikipedia

The owner of the building throughout its existence as a private house was the scientist Count Magnus von Berg (1845-1938), who become famous for his work on the cultivation of rye. He commissioned this house in 1874.
Von Berg, rather than Hippius, must have been responsible for the total eccentricity that the building now represents. Every window is different, as are all the porches and the towers.
In the park at the back of the castle is an oak tree allegedly planted by Peter the Great. This park is often also called an 'English garden' but is largely a play area for children with a wood in the background. This wood contains about 300 different species of tree." - in: http://www.aviastar.org/travel/gallery.php?dir=eesti/sangaste
Minho cards - Portugal
Minho is a region in northern Portugal, Américo "valdagua" visit the region a few days ago and sent me thse cards from there.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Terra Nostra Park
The park was the brainchild of Thomas Hickling an orange grower and merchant from Boston and for awhile the US consul to the Azores, based in São Miguel. In 1780 Thomas Hickling built a small wooden house in five acres of land.
The son, the Viscount of Praia and Monforte, continued his father’s work with the help of Portuguese and Scottish garden designers. He further developed the park’s infrastructure to include lagoons. Trees were imported from all over the world, some of them still living. The oldest of the species are approaching 140 years old.
In 1930, the hotelier Vasco Bensaude acquired the garden after he built the Hotel Terra Nostra Garden. He hired John McEnroy of Scotland as head gardener and continued expanding and restoring the plant and flower collections. The brilliance of McEnroy put the finishing touches on an already good park to become a superb garden, known all over Europe and more recently starting to be discovered by the rest of the world.

Going to the Azores, or more specifically to São Miguel without visiting this garden is much like going to Rome and not visiting the Sistine Chapel." -in: http://portugal.com/blogs/visitazores/2009/01/15/terra-nostra-park/