Sunday, April 29, 2018

Impérios - Terceira Island

One of the things I liked the most on Terceira island, were the impérios, cute and colorful structures used as a place to store the reliquaries, penants, symbols; to cook and/or distribute the offerings; and to perform some of the religious services associated with the cult of the Empire of the Holy Spirit.
Anabela sent me this card with 5 of the more 70 impérios on the island. 

On the left side:
* Império of the Holy Body: located in the parish of Our Lady of the Conception and was inaugurated at the end of century XIX, year of 1895;
* Império of the Holy Spirit in Vila Nova: located in the parish of Vila Nova, in the municipality of Praia da Vitória. It was founded in the 19th century more precisely in 1888;
* Império of Serreta: located in the parish of Serreta, in Angra do Heroísmo and it was founded in 1922;
On the right side:
* Império of Charity: located the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Praia da Vitória. The date of its construction dates back to the 20th century, to the year 1941;
* Império of Rua da Igreja: located in the parish of Ribeirinha, in the municipality of Angra do Heroísmo.

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