Friday, April 13, 2018

Lipari - Italy

With the many Portuguese postcards and some Spanish, among others, that Paulo sent me, came also a solitary Italian postcard, the first of these Lipari's cards. Lipari is one of 8 Aeolian Islands, an archipelago in northern Sicily. These islands are classified as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. These islands provide an outstanding record of volcanic island-building and destruction, and ongoing volcanic phenomena.
The 2nd card was sent by Luca in 2010.

Photo: Johanna Huber
Lipari is the largest and most populated of the Aeolian Islands (...). The island has the biggest town of the archipelago, also called Lipari; a lively busy place with picturesque streets, an attractive harbour and a historic castle-citadel. - in:

Castello – This is how they refer to the citadel, a structure constructed on a Greek acropolis before being surrounded by walls in the 13th century. In the 16th century Charles V had it reinforced after the town was sacked by Barbarossa. - in:

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