Saturday, December 1, 2012

Grands Causses Natural Park - France

This card was in my favorites even before this park had been classified as an Unesco WHS last year. The Grands Causses Natural Park and the Cévennes National Park demonstrate almost every type of pastoral organisation to be found around the Mediterranean (agro-pastoralism, silvi-pastoralism, transhumance and sedentary pastoralism). The area has by a remarkable vitality as a result of active renewal of the agri-pastoral systems. This area is a major and viable example of Mediterranean agro-pastoralism. Its preservation is necessary to deal with threats from environmental, economic and social issues that such cultural landscapes are facing globally. The Causses and the Cévennes retain numerous testimonies of the evolution over several centuries of its pastoral societies. Their important built heritage, landscape characteristics and intangible associations that reflect traditional pastoralism will be sustained by a contemporary revival of agro-pastoralism. - in:

Photos by Yves Bos
This park is located  in the département of Aveyron in the Midi-Pyrénées region.
Wth a surface area of 327 070 hectares, the Grand Causses is the third largest natural park in France. The principal mission of this park created in 1995 is to Reconcile the preservation of fauna, flora and cultural heritage with sustainable development.
This Unesco site was still missing in my collection and i've got this card thanks to Manú.

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