Thursday, July 25, 2024

Frauenkirche, Dresden - Germany

Since October, 30th 2005 the steeple of the Frauenkirche overtops the Dresden skyline again. The reconstruction of the Frauenkirche is an impressive symbol of international reconciliation after World War II.
DE-14411070, sent by Manuela.
The sacred building was erected between 1726 and 1743, following the designs of George Bähr. Its characteristic dome, called the "stone bell" owing to its shape, collapsed on February 15th, 1945 under the rain of bombs. The remaining ruins were left as a war memorial, following decisions of local East german leaders. The church was rebuilt after the reunification of Germany. The reconstruction of its exterior was completed in 2004 and its interior in 2005.

 The Frauenkirche is a symbol of conciliation, largely with donations from German and international foundations. The Neumarkt quarter around the church is also to regain its status as the historical heart of the city.
DE-3275953, sent by Olaf.
 Its barroque interior with five semi-circular galleries represents an impressive architectural unit of great beauty. It combines the concept of a centralized structure, focused on the pulpit, baptismal font and organ. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cáceres - Spain

Last month I was on holidays and spend a weekend in Cáceres. I really liked the city and want to go back to the region to visit other cities nearby. 

There're plenty of reasons to visit this city. Narrow cobbled streets, mansions, Renaissance palaces, churches crowned by storks’ nests and much more. Cáceres was declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO in 1986 because of the city's blend of Roman, Moorish, Northern Gothic and Italian Renaissance architecture.

Plaza Mayor is the traditional meeting point of the people of Cáceres. This space started to be used after the Reconquista as a city market centre, being urbanized starting in the fifteenth century.
The Town Hall presides over it, built in 1869 by Ignacio María de Michelena. In it, you can see  emblematic monuments like the La Hierba Tower, one of the Pulpits, and, especially, the Tower of   Bujaco next to the La Paz Hermitage. - in:
Fotógrafo: Modesto Galán
The church of San Francisco Javier is a Baroque-style Jesuit church built in the 18th century with the fortune of a Jesuit from the Figueroa family. The works began in 1698 and concluded in 1755.

© Fotógrafo: Modesto Galán
St. Matthew Church was built on the ruins of an Arab mosque in the 16th century.  It was built in  late Gothic style, called Spanish Plateresque.

 Ed. Pergamiño
Right next to St. Matthew's Church, there's the Torre de Las Cigüeñas - Stork Tower, an example of a Renaissance building in the city. It was built in the late 15th century by Diego de Cáceres. The tower offers spectacular views over the city.

Photo by: Modesto Galán
I'm pretty sure Óscar chose this card because of the old lady. She's walking along one of the adarves, which are the streets adjacent to the wall. In Cáceres five streets retain the name of Adarves (Father Rosalío, Santa Ana, Estrella, Bishop Álvarez de Castro and Christ), although when speaking of "the adarves", usually refers to the first three. This one on the image is, I believe, Estrella.

PT RR - Surprise Group * June 24

No surprise groups in April and May but in June the postcards written in Portuguese returned to the mailbox.

Old ladies in Piódão washing clothes as it was done in the past. 
Card sent by Tiago.

Fotografia: Oswaldo Santos

Arte xávega in one of the Costa de Prata beaches. 
Card sent by Nídia.
And when you least expect it, a postcard arrives from a new UNESCO site. Atalí is from Uruguay and after some time without being in Postcrossing, she has now returned and has participated in the Portuguese community, including in this RR. She saw that I still didn't have postcards from Fray Bentos and sent me this one. The Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape was added to the World Heritage list in 2015.
Located on land projecting into the Uruguay River west of the town of Fray Bentos, the industrial complex was built following the development of a factory founded in 1859 to process meat produced on the vast prairies nearby. The site illustrates the whole process of meat sourcing, processing, packing and dispatching. It includes buildings and equipment of the Liebig Extract of Meat Company, which exported meat extract and corned-beef to the European market from 1865 and the Anglo Meat Packing Plant, which exported frozen meat from 1924. Through its physical location, industrial and residential buildings as well as social institutions, the site presents an illustration of the entire process of meat production on a global scale. - in:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Wengji Blang Village - China

 China adds new sites to the UNESCO WHS list almost every year and last year was no exception. The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests on the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er was inscribed last september, bringing the total number of the country's UNESCO World Heritage sites to 57. With this card, also sent by Johnson, I've cards from all the Chinese sites!!

The heritage site consists of five old tea forests covering an area of 1,180 hectares, nine ancient villages with a population of about 5,000 and three protective partition forests. One of those nine ancient villages is the Wengji Blang Village.

Located on Jingmai Mountain in southwestern China, this cultural landscape was developed over a thousand years by the Blang and Dai peoples following practices that began in the 10th century. The property is a tea production area comprised of traditional villages within old tea groves surrounded by forests and tea plantations. The traditional understorey cultivation of old tea trees is a method that responds to the specific conditions of the mountain’s ecosystem and subtropical monsoon climate, combined with a governance system maintained by the local Indigenous communities. Traditional ceremonies and festivities relate to the Tea Ancestor belief that spirits live in the tea plantations and in the local fauna and flora, a belief that is at the core of this cultural tradition.- in:

Quanzhou - China

It took me 3 years to finally have a card from Quanzhou. It was worth to wait, this card sent by Johnson is great.
 Quanzhou, a coastal city in southeast China's Fujian Province, is renowned for its long history and rich culture. It was once the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road and a global maritime trade center back in the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties.
In July 2021, UNESCO listed 22 sites in the city on its World Heritage List for its role as the "Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China." - in:
The serial site of Quanzhou illustrates the city’s vibrancy as a maritime emporium during the Song and Yuan periods (10th - 14th centuries AD) and its interconnection with the Chinese hinterland. Quanzhou thrived during a highly significant period for maritime trade in Asia. The site encompasses religious buildings, including the 11th century AD Qingjing Mosque, one of the earliest Islamic edifices in China, Islamic tombs, and a wide range of archaeological remains: administrative buildings, stone docks that were important for commerce and defence, sites of ceramic and iron production, elements of the city’s transportation network, ancient bridges, pagodas, and inscriptions. - in:

Sunday, June 30, 2024


 It makes sense to post a sunset card at this time of the day. 

Sanxiantai is an area containing a beach and several islands located on the coast of Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan. 
A popular tourist attraction for its rocky coastal views, the area is well known for its long footbridge in the shape of a sea dragon. - in: wikipedia
TW-3681523, sent by Ruby.
 In 1987, the government completed the eight cross-sea arch bridge that crosses over to the island. It was designed in the shape of waves, like a prostrate sea dragon and connects Sanxiantai with Taiwan Island. It has become the most famous landmark on the East Coast. - in:


 A new castle from the Netherlands, one of the largest moated castles in the country.

 NL-574962, sent by Linda.
 Huis Bergh Castle in 's Heerenberg dates from the 13th century. It unfolds as soon as you visit the town. It was the ancestral home to the most powerful lords and counts who play an important role in the church and state, and during the Eighty Years' War. Today it is a place where historical stories come back to life in the form of beautiful architecture and a rich art collection. - in: