Ayutthaya was a Siamese kingdom that existed from 1350 to 1767.

Saltaire, West Yorkshire, is a complete and well-preserved industrial village of the second half of the 19th century. Its textile mills, public buildings and workers' housing are built in a harmonious style of high architectural standards and the urban plan survives intact, giving a vivid impression of Victorian philanthropic paternalism. - in: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1028
Forways, Lda
The Temple of the Warriors is one of the most impressive and important structures at Chichen Itza.
It might be the only known late classic Maya building sufficiently big enough for really large gatherings.
The temple consists of four platforms, flanked on the south and west sides by 200 round and square columns.
All square columns are carved in low relief, with Toltec warriors; in some places they are cemented together in sections, painted in brilliant colors and covered with plaster.
The Temple of Warriors is approached by a broad stairway with a plain, stepped ramp on either side, and each ramp has figures of standard-bearers to hold flags. Before the main entrance a chacmool reclined.
On the top, serpent columns which had S shaped supported wooden lintels (now gone) above the doorways. Astronomical signs and decorative features on the head of each serpent are carved over the eyes. - in: http://www.chichenitza.com/listingview.php?listingID=16