Today was a good postcard day! I've received 4 cards, 2 of them surprise cards :) These 2 were sent by Déa and Tito, both from Brazil!

My "sister" Déa always sends me beautiful cards, this time she sent me this amazing cards from the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand!! I'm not a beach person but this place is so beautiful that i wouldn't mind to put my bikini on, go to swim and take some pictures :P
"The Phi Phi Islands are located in Thailand, between the large island of Phuket and the western Andaman Sea coast of the mainland.
Maya Bay is popular for diving, and has become even more popular after the 2000 movie The Beach was filmed there. According to the Lonely Planet's Thailand guidebook, the 2004 tsunami dramatically improved the look of Maya Bay. This was due to the fact that the high waves had cleaned up the beach and removed all the landscaping the Fox production team had added." - in: wikipedia

Another beach, but this one from Brazil. This is a RAS card sent by Tito "tito.garcez".
The card shows the Carapibús Beach in Conde - Paraíba state (north east). The beach is lined with cliffs, local vegetation, reefs and corals. Small bars with straw parasols, along rivers and fresh water lagoons, add charm to the landscape.