If you're a postcrosser you probably heard about the Bielefeld meeting and probably received a card or even more than 1 card signed by the all 45 particpants. 45 postcrossers in a meeting must be a record. Heidi "dollart" and Tjistke send these cards.
"Kongevagt - The King’s Guard – is exercised when the Queen is in residence – and will be accompanied by the Band of the Royal Danish Life Guards. The guards will departure from Rosenborg Castle at 11:30 and end at Amalienborg palace at 12:00, where changing of the guards takes place. After the parade and shift, the Guards leaves the drum and the Regents Flag on the drill ground in the daytime at Christians VII’s Palace beside the colonnade." - in: http://www.copenhagenet.dk/CPH-Amalienborg.htm
"Our Lady of Flanders' Cathedral of Tournai is one of the most important architectural monuments in Belgium. It has been classified both as a Wallonia's's major heritage and as a World Heritage Site.
"The 2,909-ha site near the town of Soufriere includes the Pitons, two volcanic spires rising side by side from the sea (770 m and 743 m high respectively), linked by the Piton Mitan ridge. The volcanic complex includes a geothermal field with sulphurous fumeroles and hot springs. Coral reefs cover almost 60% of the site’s marine area. A survey has revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, eight molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and eight annelid worms. The dominant terrestrial vegetation is tropical moist forest grading to subtropical wet forest, with small areas of dry forest and wet elfin woodland on the summits. At least 148 plant species have been recorded on Gros Piton, 97 on Petit Piton and the intervening ridge, among them eight rare tree species. The Gros Piton is home to some 27 bird species (five of them endemic), three indigenous rodents, one opossum, three bats, eight reptiles and three amphibians." - in: www.whc.unesco.org/en/list/1161
"Gough Island, also known historically as Gonçalo Álvares or Diego Alvarez, is a volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is a dependency of Tristan da Cunha and part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helana, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. It is uninhabited except for the personnel of a weather station (usually six people) which the South African National Antarctic Programme has maintained continually on the island since 1956. It is one of the most remote places with a constant human presence.
Ammergebirgeis a mountain range that partly belongs to Germany, Free State of Bavaria and to Austria, federal state Tirol." - in: http://www.live-like-a-german.com/germany_related_articles/show/Holidays-in-the-Ammergauer-Alps-magical-variety