Saturday, May 9, 2009

Valença - Portugal

"An ancient and attractive border town, Valença, rises on a hilltop overlooking the river Minho and has two double-walled forts linked by a causeway in the Vauban (French engineer and arquitect) style. The forts, dating from the 17th and 18th centuries, offer fine views across the river into neighbouring Tuy, in Spanish Galicia. Surrounded by the walls and ramparts, the old quarter has picturesque cobbled alleys full of shops selling handicrafts of linen, pottery and wickerwork which are popular among visitors from Spain." - in:

"The most interesting things to visit are mainly inside the fortress that looks down to the Minho River and Spain. They have been destroyed several times whether it were the Barbarians, the Arabs, the armies of Asturias and Leon or even the French troops in the 19th century, they have always been restored and still very well preserved.
Valença's fortress is a piece of gothic and baroque military architecture. The first walls were built in the 13th century.
It was upgraded during the 17th and 18th century forming the present bulwarked system. It is placed on top of two small hills and it is formed by two polygons (the Recinto Magistral and the Coroada) separated by a ditch and with four doors (Coroada, Gaviarra, Fonte da Vila and Sol). The main entrance is Porta do Sol (Sun's door). This door was damaged during the Napoleonic invasions. - in: wikipedia

1 comment:

Cheap Postcard Printing said...

Lovely images! The fortress looks formidable. Love the drama and history of it, looks wonderful at night with all those lights.