Sunday, September 6, 2009

International Postcrossing Meeting

The International Postcrossing Meeting took place, last weekend, in Helsinki, Finland. I saw some of the pictures and it seems they had a great time.
Valérie was there too and she sent me this card signed by all the participants.

If i'm counting right, 37 postcrossers were there, I hope i'm not forgetting anyone: Ana, Paulo, octabis anjaaustel, aulikki, cicus, dandilion, delenna, duffeli, litka, MaHaKo, dollart, fragility, homine, hantsu, INP, huppu68, helia, lotty, jewel, kotona, liiolii, lady, tuulis, msmoney, monna, wilma, mimmi, maymak, ninon, vergi, pooca, rowan6, synnin, soilian, tarya, susannus.

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