Friday, July 6, 2012


On the same day i've got the swedish card, i've also got this official from Sanok, a town in south-eastern Poland.

 Photo by Jerzy Ginalski
PL-470658, sent by Ola.
The cards shows one of the orthodox churches in Sanok's Ethnographic Outdoor Museum), which is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. It was established in 1958 by Aleksander Rybicki and contains 200 buildings which have been relocated from different areas of Sanok Land (Low Beskids, Pogórze Bukowskie, Doły Jasielsko Sanockie). The Sanok museum shows 19th and early 20th century life in this area of Poland.
The park is divided into distinct but similar-looking sections - each featuring an ethnic group who lived in the region prior to the post-WWII forced resettlements. (Boykos, Lemkos), Dolinians (Dale Dwellers) and Polish Uplanders (pl. Pogórzanie) homes and churches have been transported there from surrounding villages, restored to their original condition and furnished with authentic objects of the period.
The individual ethnographic groups (the Bojko, Lemko, Pogórzanie and Dolinianie folks) are arranged in separate sections which perfectly fit the landscape physiography: the Bojko and Lemko architecture was located in the upper part of the Park, whereas that of the Pogórzanie and in the upper part of the area.
One can go inside many of the buildings including several homes, a school house and a Roman Catholic or Greek-Catholic church. The museum also possesses a large photographic archive, including authentic photos from the 19th and 20th centuries. - in: wikipedia

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