Monday, March 28, 2016

PT RR - Group 3 * Churches

Time for another RR, only written in portuguese. The 1st card arrived from Brazil and it was sent by Luzia, the 2nd is a portuguese card sent by Rita.

The complex of the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens (Our Lady Mother of Men) and former eighteenth century college form an architectural set of inestimable historical and cultural value. Built in neo-Gothic style, the Sanctuary is a jewel encrusted in Serrra do Caraça with its warheads and tall columns, altars, windows, stained glass and rose windows, besides religious works of art and the famous Last Supper of Mestre  Ataide.
Even though it was done in French architectural style, the church was built without  any slave labor and all material were regional: soapstone (taken from near the Cascatona), marble (from near  Mariana and Itabirito) and quartzite (the Caraça region and neighborhood), put together with a product  lime based, mixed with rock dust and oil. - in:

Foto: Henrique Ruas
I've been many times to Lisbon but never made a proper visit to the ruins of Carmo Convent and Church.
One of the most dramatic tourist sights in Lisbon refers to the roofless Carmo Convent and Church. This is not a place of worship proper, given at present it is more of a ruin than a functional church, but the traces of the former medieval religious edifice call forth the splendor of what the convent and the church used to be.
The monastic complex was built between 1389 and 1423 by order to Nuno Alvares Pereira, a powerful knight, head of the Portuguese army (second in importance after the king). It was initially bestowed to the Carmelite order, but it lost its functionality after the great earthquake of 1755, when much of the edifice was damaged apparently beyond repair. However, what is worth mentioning is before the earthquake, the Carmo Convent and Church represented the height of all Gothic religious edifices in Lisbon.
At present, the complex is home to the Carmo Archeological Museum. It is located in the Chiado district, and it is well worth a visit by tourists who want to sample what is best in Lisbon in terms of historical and archeological sites. - in

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