Monday, August 9, 2010

St Kilda - Scotland

Last week wasn't bad for unesco cards, besides Joanna's cards, i've also received an unesco from Scotland, St Kilda, sent by Doris "theswissmiss".
The card shows Boreray, an uninhabited island in the St Kilda archipelago in the North Atlantic.
Boreray is the smallest of the Scottish islands to have a summit over one thousand feet.

"St Kilda is an isolated archipelago 64 kilometres (40 mi) west-northwest of North uist in the North Atlantic Ocean. The largest island is Hirta, whose sea cliffs are the highest in the United Kingdom.

St Kilda was permanently inhabited for at least two millennia, its population probably never exceeding 180 (and certainly no more than 100 after 1851). The entire population was evacuated in 1930. Currently, the only residents are military personnel.

The origin of the name St Kilda is a matter of conjecture. The islands' human heritage includes numerous unique architectural features from the historic and prehistoric periods, although the earliest written records of island life date from the Late Middle Ages. The medieval village on Hirta was rebuilt in the 19th century, but the influences of religious zeal, illnesses brought by increased external contacts through tourism, and the First World War all contributed to the island's evacuation in 1930.

The entire archipelago is owned by the National Trust for Scotland. It became one of Scotland's five World Heritage Sites in 1986 and is one of the few in the world to hold joint status for its natural and cultural qualities.

Two different early sheep types have survived on these remote islands, the Soay, a Neolithic type, and the Boreray, an Iron Age type. The islands are a breeding ground for many important seabird species including Northern Gannets, Atlantic Puffins, and Northern Fulmars. The St Kilda Wren and St Kilda Field Mouse.

Parties of volunteers work on the islands in the summer to restore the many ruined buildings the native St Kildans left behind. They share the island with a small military base established in 1957." - in: wikipedia

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