Monday, April 1, 2019

Chinese New Year Meeting - Brazil

In February some São Paulo postcrossers got together to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Valéria and Luzia don't miss a meeting and once again they sent me cards signed by them and the other 11 postcrossers who attended this meeting. 

Chinese New Year generally referred to as Lunar New Year, is the Chinese festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar.
The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between 21 January and 20 February. In 2019, the first day of the Chinese New Year was on Tuesday, 5 February, initiating the Year of the Pig. - in: wikipedia
In São Paulo the festival is held in Liberdade, home to the largest Sino-Japanese community in Brazil. The celebration takes place in late January or early February. A very joyful and beautiful festival that attracts more than 100 thousand people from Brazil and from various parts of the world who visit the city of São Paulo.

Pacaembu Avenue is the main road of the Pacaembu Neighborhood located in the West and Central Zones of the city of São Paulo.

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